Monthly Archives: February 2018

Write Your Way Out


Excellent blog post from Explorations of Style about writing blocks:

Explorations of Style

I recently had a request to give a talk to graduate students about writer’s block. This term is frequently mentioned in the context of graduate writing, presumably because of the general sense that something is inhibiting the writing processes of students at this level. While I was explaining why I didn’t want to give a talk on writer’s block, I realized that I spend quite a lot of time telling various people that I’m sceptical about the concept of academic writer’s block. Having recently read two interesting takes on writer’s block in academia in the past year (from Helen Kara and Julia Molinari), I decided that my own disinclination to use this concept might be worth exploring here on the blog.

In general, I am resistant to identifying common graduate writing difficulties as writer’s block. Most graduate writers who are struggling with their writing are actually struggling with their…

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Play, Visual strategies and Innovative Approaches to Graduate Student Writing Development

Hello all
This is just to let you know that a new special section of Vol. 28 of  the Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie has just been published, titled “Play, Visual strategies and Innovative Approaches to Graduate Student Writing Development.” Britt Amell and myself had the wonderful task of putting together this special edition.  We enjoyed working with the authors, reviewers and the editorial team from CJSDW.
This section comprises eight pieces by contributors from Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and Thailand. The table of contents is outlined below, or you can visit the website at
Please enjoy the selection of papers and share them widely with those to whom they may be of interest.